PCR quantification of Campylobacter species in chicken feces and ceca contents
Chengming Wang Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Effect of low-temperature deodorization on the inhibition of harmful substances in edible oil
Jeffrey Pittman ll University of Mississippi, USA
Yes chef, I want My PhD: An extension of Bucher & Lee
Maria Arévalo Villena University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Effects of ultrasound, microwave and flash pasteurization on oenological yeast microbiota
Pilar Fernández-Pacheco Rodríguez University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Evaluation of the Bacterial and Fungal Biofilm of Species of Food Interest / Screening of Yeast from Honey for Mead Production
Monique Lacroix INRS Armand-Frappier Health Biotechnology, Canada
Cross-Linked Gelatin–Riboflavin-Based Film Incorporated with Essential Oils and Silver Nanoparticle by Gamma: A novel Approach for Extending Shelf-Life of Meat
Siti Farah Md Tohid Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Chemical probe as potential detector of porcine protein/peptide in meat-based products